TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts
TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts
Beate Erlmoser

Apré Ski vs. January Hole

It is definitely a fact that Après-Ski is just as much a part of skiing as the ski pole belongs to the skis. However, this project should be treated with measure and purpose. Not to forget, après means after. You not only endanger yourself, but also all other skiers on the slopes if you start the party while skiing.

On the way to an interview, I ended up in a ski hut that was reopened this season in Alpendorf in St. Johann im Pongau.


A hotel owner, who is also the owner of the hut, clarified my question: "Does the "January hole" still exist?" Not even ten years ago, the typical January hole was between the end of the Christmas holidays and the start of the first semester break. Thus, the period in which a little calm returned to the gastronomy was almost three weeks. But just like "The Waltons" from television, the January hole seems to have disappeared without a trace. Many treat themselves to a skiing holiday during the holiday-free period!


The times of excessive, party-driven Après-Ski also seem to be decreasing. In Austria there are of course still hip party ski areas, but a not insignificant number of guests tend to cosiness instead! It seems that the newly won attitude to life à la "work life balance" has also found its way into the world of skiing. The focus is no longer only on the party sound lived in the high decibel range, but the chillout music in the background and good conversations in the so-called speaking volume (the volume used in everyday life when speaking and not beyond) are gaining popularity. The motto is to come back from vacation feeling totally relaxed!

Ski and wine enjoyment for gourmets on the ski huts in Ski amadé

Changes can also be seen on the menu. It is no longer just the hearty dishes that are in demand, portions in the form of the tappas that are often served in Spain are also being served more and more frequently (small portions but many different ones). These little delicacies also make it easier to leave after lunch, as the enormous feeling of satiety that makes you think you can't possibly move any more doesn't even creep in. But BBQs on the mountain, “food trucks” and eating outdoors with a radiant heater also seem to be gaining in popularity. When asked whether a BBQ on the mountain attracts many hungry skiers, I get the answer that there was an unbelievable rush that even the owner did not expect like this!

Something is happening on the mountain and it is worth exploring the innovations!


Beate Erlmoser

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