This is going to be a great day thinks the Germknödel to itself.
The sun is shining, there is fresh powder snow, there is a great mood in the kitchen and the smell of freshly prepared dishes fills the air. Even now for the Germknödel it is time.
To the flour, add fresh yeast, sugar and a pinch of salt, lukewarm milk and an egg. That alone sounds like a heavenly combination. At the end, add the room temperature butter and the dough is ready, made with love and craftsmanship.
Now I am exhausted, thinks the Germknödel to itself. Luckily, I have at least half an hour’s time, to have rest in a warm place. That is so cosy, I can spread myself out a little bit and let myself really go, thinks the Germknödel.
But the Germknödel dough does not actually have that much time. After all, the hungry rumbling tummies of the skiers are waiting for it! And this is why the Germknödel dough then has to be split into many little bits. Nevertheless, the final massage, rounding them into little balls makes up for this.
Now it is nearly time, the Germknödel thinks to itself, now I will get my filling – hopefully it will be apricot! And it is in luck, today the Germknödels will be filled with wonderful homemade apricot jam.
Once again it can rest a while with its colleagues, before it is time for them all to go in the steamer.
Wonderful, thinks the Germknödel to itself, in the steamer I can really let myself go and become really light and fluffy!
After the steamer, things become serious.
Hopefully a nice winter sportsman/woman will pick me, thinks the Germknödel, but all winter sports people are nice. But hopefully, my future host, will order me with vanilla sauce and poppy seeds.
And once again he is in luck. The girl with the plaits has her eye on the Germknödel and orders it with vanilla sauce and poppy seeds, which she then thoroughly enjoys. With it she drinks a glass of milk.
The day could not have gone any better, the Germknödel thinks to itself, as does the girl with the plaits.

So that you can also give a Germknödel such a wonderful day at your home, here is the recipe:
- 250 ml lukewarm milk
- 1 egg
- 500 g wheat flour
- 20 g fresh yeast
- 40 g sugar
- 40 g room temperature butter
- A large pinch of salt
- Jam
- Icing sugar, vanilla sauce/butter and poppy seeds
Mix the lukewarm milk and the egg. Mix the flour, fresh yeast, sugar and salt together and then add this mixture to the milk-egg mixture. Finally, stir in the room temperature butter and then knead the dough for a few minutes. Then let the dough rest for 30 minutes in a warm place and then split it into smaller pieces. Make them into ball shapes and then fill them with a jam of your choice. The best is to steam the Germknödels in a steamer, but it does also work with a simmering basket on a pan or you can stretch a dishcloth over a pan of boiling water. You can serve your Germknödel with either icing sugar, vanilla sauce, butter and/or poppy seeds.