Snowshoe hiker walks through a light forest deep in snow | © Gasteinertal Tourismus GmbH
Snowshoe hiker walks through a light forest deep in snow | © Gasteinertal Tourismus GmbH

Ski amadé


Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
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A gentle winter sport at austria's greatest ski paradise

Are you familiar with the following situation? The air is freezing cold, and with every exhale a little cloud forms in front of your face – that’s when winter shows its true colours. A thick blanket of snow covers the mountain pastures and slopes.
The snow gently crunches underneath your feet and the sun is shining from the sky. Perfect conditions for a snowshoe hike after an eventful ski day in the wondrous world of Ski amadé! 

The route network branching out in all directions at the five regions lets you enter a breathtaking alpine setting that will have you in awe. What an amazing alternative to skiing or snowboarding! With snowshoes strapped to your feet, you’ll head out into the powder snow. Because once you’ve put them on, there’s no holding back in the snow! Time to explore the mountains of Styria and the Salzburger Land region step by step. 

Let go, relax and let your mind wander!

Your snowshoe experience in ski amadé

Brain: off; fresh air: in! That’s one of best experiences when ambitious snowshoe hikers wade through pristine natural landscapes. It’s the perfect sport to clear your head and fill your lungs with fresh mountain air. 

A total of five regions can be explored on foot: from the Salzburger Sportwelt to Schladming-Dachstein, Gastein, the Hochkönig and Grossarl Valley. And at every resort, beautiful snowshoe routes await winter sports enthusiasts. 

On the Loosbühelalm  in Grossarl at 1,769 metres above sea level, in Filzmoos, in Flachau or in Gastein: The snowshoe routes are accessible for everyone. You don’t have the right equipment at hand? There are sports rentals  at every village where you can rent your snowshoes.

Five snowshoe hikers walk in a snowy meadow and trees can be seen in the background | © Tourismusverband Großarltal

The most beautiful snowshoe routes …

… await you in the Salzburger Sportwelt: Ten routes have snowshoe hikers flocking to the beautiful Salzburger Land region every year. As a participant of a guided tour or on your own: Walking through the powder snow is an absolute highlight either way.

… await you in Schladming-Dachstein: In the Untertal, in the Obertal or towards the Rossfeld: You can hike over the glistening snow cover on the routes along the toboggan runs or cross-country. Your constant companions: the sun and a smile on your face. 

… await you in Gastein: 18 different routes with a total of 60 kilometres: From the Elisabeth Promenade to the mountain station on the Stubnerkogel and the snowshoe trail in Dorfgastein, you can choose from a number of exciting options. 

… await you in the Hochkönig region: The educational snowshoe trail leads winter hikers through a winter wonderland on the Hochkönig – accompanied by a guide. 

… await you in Grossarltal: Equipped with snowshoes and poles, you’ll be hiking past snow-covered trees, bizarre looking rock formations, and you just might see a deer. Tip: Keep your eyes peeled during your hike through nature! 



Hallmoos 36, 5600 St. Johann
Direkt an der Bergstation der Doppelsesselbahn.

Bergstation Achterjet

In der Jausenstation Grünegg werden Sie auf 1.190m Seehöhe mit bodenständigen Köstlichkeiten verwöhnt.


Floitensberg 28, 5600 St. Johann

Comfortable hut for a snack along the way.

Sendlhofer Franz and his team are there for you. On the Alm, which was newly built in 2007, you can enjoy there are homemade specialties. In particular, the alpine cheese is a special tip, alongside the many other delicacies.


Neben der Bergstation der Haitzingalmbahn. Sitzplätze Indoor/Outdoor: 80/160


Sitzplätze Indoor 100/Outdoor 260

Unsere nostalgische Skihütte liegt auf 1970m im wunderschönen Gasteinertal. Lasst euch von diesem herrlichen Skigebiet verzaubern und genießt mit uns dieses einzigartige Ambiente.

Der Platz an der Sonne! Machen Sie Rast auf der Sonnenterrasse, thronen sie über dem Gasteinertal und lassen Sie sich dabei mit regionalen Spezialitäten verwöhnen und nach einer Stärkung gehts gleich direkt ohne Lift auf die Piste. 

Übernachten auf der Hamburger Skihütte

Lass den Abend einfach gemütlich ausklingen und bleib doch über Nacht ! Wir verfügen über vier 2-Bettzimmer (Stockbetten), sieben 4-Bettzimmer (Stockbetten) und ein 6-Bettzimmer (Stockbetten) für euch! Die Zimmer sind einfach und zweckmäßig ausgestattet mit neuer Dusche/WC im selben Stockwerk. Mit heimischen Spezialitäten werden Sie in Halbpension (Abendessen und Frühstück) verwöhnt. Und nach dem Frühstück einfach die Skier anschnallen und los gehts. 

Feiern und Feste 

Ob Firmenfeier, Geburtstagsfest oder einfach nur Urlaub in den Bergen, die Hamburger Skihütte ist der ideale Ort dafür!

Gerne reservieren wir unsere oberhalb der Terrasse gelegene „Sun-Lounge“ für Ihre Feier in privater Atmosphäre!



Der Name klingt vielversprechend…

…richtig HAPPY den Skitag am Galsterberg genießen, die letzten Schwünge in den Schnee ziehen und ab geht´s zum Aprés Ski in die „Happy Alm“.

Hier trifft man nicht nur auf jede Menge Spaß, sondern auch auf Genuss pur.

Wir bieten coole Drinks und für den Hunger zwischendurch kleine Köstlichkeiten.

Ideal für Sonnenanbeter und Feierlustige.

Let's go to the HAPPY for après-ski!


The Harbachhütte is located directly in the Grossarltal - Dorfgastein ski area at the valley stations of the Kreuzkogel lifts at approx. 1750m. You can enjoy delicious delicacies on the wonderful sun terrace with a view of the mountains or in the cozy parlor.

Delicious culinary delights with a magnificent view on the Kaiblingalm ski trail

Directly on the slope "Kaiblingalm-Skiweg 6A" - the connecting slope to the most magnificent downhill runs on Hauser Kaibling - lies the new Harrys Alm, owned by Harry and his wife Gerti. Harrys Alm belongs to the AlmSkihütten and is one of a total of 16 ski huts on Hauser Kaibling.

In a comfortably modern hut ambience incl. sun terrace with a fantastic view of the Dachstein massif, connoisseurs get their money's worth with Kaiserschmarren and hot chocolate. You don't want to leave there? Then on top of that you can secure one of the new apartments, in rustic cozy style and equipped with all amenities.


  • Sun terrace with Dachstein view
  • Comfortable vacations on the alp

'Harrys Lärchenpavillion' il located in the Kaiblingalm area, at the "Alm 6er" chairlift. The friendly team awaits you!


  • Homemade Pizzas
  • Terrace BBQ
  • Styrian Cheese bread (grey cheese from teh Ennstal valley)
  • Styrian 'Spreckbrot'

Cozy atmosphere and a great panorama you can enjoy in the Gipflstadl. - Probably the most beautiful panorama in Salzburg Land - Restaurant with umbrella bar at the highest point of the ski area 2033m height - Also for non-skiers a worthwhile excursion destination

...da wo die Herzerl fliegen!


The Herzerlalm welcomes you with rustic, modern comfort and our cordial service. Every day we spoil you with delicacies from our menu and hits of the day. Traditional dishes with a modern interpretation await you here. You can also enjoy a good bottle of wine from our wine cellar, delicious drinks and an Austrian brandy to finish off.