Mountain restaurants in Ski amadé

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Mountain restaurants in Ski amadé

Culinary highlights in the mountains

You’ve got 260 opportunities to take your skis off or put your snowboard in a stand and take a break. Whether it’s hot tea or a hearty Gröstl (roast meat and potatoes): The hosts at the ski huts in Ski amadé love to spoil their guests with regional delicacies and culinary delights. 

Stop by, take a break and enjoy – that’s the motto at the mountain restaurants and huts in the five regions of Ski amadé. At these culinary establishments, the taste worlds of the two federal states of Salzburg and Styria meet. A stunning mountain panorama and breathtaking 360-degree views, you’ll be served on top. 

Additionally, winter sports enthusiasts can look forward to 28 certified ski & wine huts, which don’t just impress guests with their exceptional service quality but also with regional delicacies and Austrian wines. Come see for yourself – the rustic charm of the ski huts and mountain restaurants will certainly enchant you. Sit down on the sun decks and listen to some chill music, and your winter day in the world of Ski amadé is bound to become a resounding success! 

TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts
TASTE Ski amadé - the finest flavour from the Austrian mountains in cozy mountain huts

Dance of delights at the lifestyle huts

How about a lifestyle hut with chalet feel? At these mini-meccas for pleasure, sun hungry skiers and snowboarders not only encounter a true eldorado of chill-out areas. Special lounges create a relaxing feel-good ambience. That’ll make your Topfenknödel (sweet cream cheese dumplings) or Kasnockn (special type of pasta with cheese) taste even better – promise! 

You’ll see: The welcoming hosts at the rustic huts and stylish mountain restaurants will impress you with their unique charm. Whether it’s a round of beer at the Herzalstubn, a stroll through the Almvinothek or a little nap in a fur-covered lounge chair: It’ll definitely be amazing!

Special tip

Enjoyment Ski Routes

In the mood for exploring the secret hostpots and culinary insider's tips for ski huts in Ski amadé?

Because where the locals like to go – far off the more touristy locations, that’s where you’ll find the hidden culinary gems of Ski amadé. A total of 13 Enjoyment Ski Routes – each holiday resort has at least two – can be explored with the help of the “Ski amadé Guide” app. Via GPS tracking and personal routing, skiers and snowboarders are guided to the most mouth-watering locations. You’ll be amazed to find so much more than just traditional Germknödel and sausages at the huts of Ski amadé … 

All ski huts in Ski amadé


Ski huts

Lassen Sie sich auf unserer Sonnenterrasse mit "Lounge Set,  Strandkörben und Sonnenliegen" verwöhnen und genießen Sie unsere Drinks und Imbisse wie Hamburger "Royal", Almburger mit Speck, Chicken Wings, Weißwurst mit Brezen, Kaspress und Leberknödelsuppe, Hausgemachter Apfelstrudel uvm.....

Am Ende der H31 und H32, auch zu Fuß über das Angertal erreichbar.

Die etwas andere Schihütte in Flachau, direkt neben der Achterjet Bergstation. Das Konzept ist ein Mix aus Nachhaltigkeit und Qualitätsbewusstsein, aus Tradition und Moderne.

Arena-Alm and Arena-Bar in the World Cup Arena Zauchensee

Cosy, rustic restaurant with table service in the World Cup Arena Zauchensee. Here you are pampered with home cooking, Int. Dishes and delicious desserts!
At lunchtime, the restaurant will be expanded to include the Arena bar with large sun terrace.

The Arena is also perfect for all kinds of celebrations (Christmas, birthday parties, award ceremonies for Company ski races, etc.).
You will receive further information from the Zauchensee Lift Company!

Through the sunny location of the terrace our house is popular with skiers. They can enjoy the magnificent Bergwelt. If snowboarders or skiers, all feel comfortable with a stop-off in the Arlhofhütte. Original Austrian cuisine spoil you in the Arlhofhütte at the valley station of the Hochbifangbahn. Just the thing to get your strength back!

Große Sonnenterrasse mit herrlichem Blick auf den Hochkönig. Hunde willkommen: eigene Hundespeisekarte! Schirmbar vorhanden.

Das Familienhotel Austria in Rohrmoos bei Schladming ist wahrhaft gesegnet mit einer Top-Lage direkt an der Hochwurzenbahn. Hoch über dem Ennstal, mitten in der Region Schladming-Dachstein, erstreckt sich der Ort Rohrmoos von 782 m bis 2.862 m Seehöhe. Ihr Zimmer im 3-Sterne Hotel in der Dachstein-Tauern-Region und die herrliche Sonnenterrasse bieten Ihnen einen uvergleichlichen Panoramablick auf die umliegenden Berge.

Our child and family-friendly farm is located in a high valley of the Niedere Tauern, 10 km southwest of Schladming, at an altitude of 1040 m, opposite the Dachstein massif.

Our "experience restaurant" with guest kindergarten and sports shop at the "Abergbahn" invites you to dinner (beef from our own organic farm!), Après ski or for cozy hours.

The MONDI Bellevue Alm Gastein, directly opposite the „MONDI Schiefe Alm Gastein, is the ideal place to switch of and enjoy the moment. The MONDI Bellevue Alm Gastein will soon have you hooked – it ticks all the boxes!

Solely fresh local and regional produce is used for preparing the Austrian and international dishes; quite unlike the cuisine you would usually expect from an Alpine lodge eaterie. Aside from the classic Austrian rustic staples, such as spare ribs or beef filet the « Bellevue Alm » Fondue is top notch. Tempting, tasty snack dishes for in-between are also available. Classic kids‘ favourites ranging from fried pork escalope to „Berner“ sausages are on offer on the kids‘ menu. In a nutshell: good, plain cooking with served with some extra zing and at a reasonable price.

Berggasthof Steinerhaus, Familie Steiner

Gemütlicher Berggasthof mit Bedienung!

Sonnige Terrasse mit 80 Sitzplätzen, gemütliche Gaststube und Speisesaal für 150 Personen, 15 Gästezimmer/30 Betten

We offer you the relaxation that you need! Good home cooking that guarantees nothing to be desired!

Looking for the ideal spot for your winter or summer holiday? The fantastic countryside around our newly-refurbished Berggasthof Hinterreit provides the perfect setting for sporting and leisureactivities of all kinds.

Sit back and relax on our delightful sun terrace or inone of our cosy, traditional dining-rooms where we serve delicious local dishes made using produce from our own farm.

And you may even find yourself rubbing shoulders with famous ski stars, many of whom come to us in search ofwell-earned peace and relaxation at the end of a long training session.