天气状况 Grossarltal

您可以亲自了解格罗萨尔山谷壮观的滑雪场、山峰与高山牧场的最新天气情况。无论是直接拍摄格罗萨尔多夫加施泰因滑雪区的网络直播摄像机、山下谷区中心的全景摄像机、还是鲁斯比厄尔高山牧场 (Loosbühelalm) 上专为徒步旅行者和游客设置的网络摄像机——借助高山牧场山谷中的实时网络摄像机,您不但始终能够获得最准确的信息,同时也可以在家中坐享格罗萨尔山谷的部分假日。

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


A weather front moved in. Unfortunately, it has got stuck here and will therefore bring clouds and showers all day long. Continuous rain is not expected, however; we may even see the sun come through the rain clouds at times.
