With alpine peaks that rise beyond the three-thousand-meter mark, all the way up into the glacial zones of the Hohe Tauern range, Bad Gastein isn't just the Monte Carlo of the Alps, it is also a paradise for fans of outdoor sports. But even putting the countless sporting opportunities aside, this charming Belle Époque town has even more to offer. Here, caressed by the glorious mountain scenery of Gastein Valley, not only can you enjoy extraordinary biking, hiking or skiing you can also relax wonderfully and simply enjoy the astonishing beauty which surrounds you. In Bad Gastein, not only will you have the invigorating freshness of the mountains in your nostrils, there's also a strong hint of culture floating in the air as well. During the sommer.frische.kunst art festival, for example, Bad Gastein shows us more of its modern, urbane side. Every year in the summertime, open studios, creative workshops, jazz events and more treat us to a contemporary flavor amid venerable Belle Époque buildings.

Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Gastein
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Straße 27
5640 Bad Gastein