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20th anniversary celebration of the Schnalzergruppe Maria Alm

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20th anniversary celebration of the Schnalzergruppe Maria Alm

Anniversary celebration of the Schnalzergruppe Maria Alm
Program schedule 10.6:
19.00 clock: Admission
20.30 o'clock: Happy Hour
From 20 o'clock: Live music with "The Strangers
Program schedule 11.6.:
09.30 a.m.: Marching off of the clubs at the building yard
10.00 a.m.: Field mass at the parish field
11.00 a.m.: Procession into the marquee
11.30: Morning pint with the Trachtenmusikkapelle Maria Alm, Der Stürmisch Böhmischen and the Wildkogel Buam
Admission price on 10.6. € 10,- advance booking/€ 13,-- evening box office


10/06/ - 11/06/2023
Maria Alm