Ski amadé from A to Z

Everything around Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Taxi Edi

5600 St. Johann

In Öblarn you will find an artificial ice rink directly opposite the new ÖHA.

Take a basic product that meets the high demands on my conscience, my palate, my health and my idea of ​​sustainability. Process it with professional competence, with great respect for the product, great attention to detail and the quiet hope of recognition and hand it over with a delicious taste, lovingly prepared, beautifully presented and served politely!

Mobilität vor Ort
Mit den öffentlichen Linienbussen, Skibussen oder Citybussen reisen Sie das ganze Jahr über stressfrei und komfortabel durch das Gasteinertal.

Die Linienbusse bringen Sie kostengünstig zu den spannendsten Attraktionen oder zu all Ihren Ausgangspunkten im Gasteinertal. Ersparen Sie sich im Urlaub die langwierige Parkplatzsuche und nutzen Sie das umweltfreundliche Angebot unserer Busse.

Vergessen Sie Ihre Gastein Card nicht! Mit dieser fahren Sie um nur € 1,50 pro Strecke!! Bei der Fahrt nach Sportgastein fällt eine ermäßigte Mautgebühr von € 2,10 zusätzlich an.

Sie sind zu Ihrer Kur in Gastein mit dem Zug angereist und wissen nicht, wie Sie zu Ihren Therapieeinfahrten in den Gasteiner Heilstollen kommen? Die Buslinie 550 bringt Sie im Sommer wie im Winter rechtzeitig und sicher zu Ihrem Termin.

Service Talstation Stubnerkogelbahn

Summit experience with the highest point

Hauser Kaibling

Choose INTERSPORT Rent for professional ski service
When the sun sets in the province of Salzburg, it really gets started on the slopes! Thanks to good lighting, you can also exercise skiing and snowboarding at late hours. You also need the proper ski equipment? You can find a large selection of rental equipment opposite to the 8-jet cable car in the ski rental of INTERSPORT & Skischool Sport am Jet . And if you´re satisfied by your rental board or ski, you can buy it – the rental fee will be credited to the purchase price.

You want to explore the beautiful nature in Flachau? Then remember to take your cross-country skis along! A 40-kilometer cross-country trail network lures fans to the province of Salzburg. The Ski & Snowboard School of INTERSPORT Sport am Jet offers skiers a special service: In the evening you can easily leave your equipment in the depot and pick it up the next morning.

The best part: You can slip into warm, dry boots in the morning – a wonderful start into the day!

In a few minutes only, the Hauser Kaibling ski lifts take you to the highest point of Schladming's four interlinked mountains at 2,015 metres. Once at the top, you can enjoy gorgeous panoramic views across the Ennstal valley and the Dachstein mountains. Take some fun pictures with the pink sheep that awaits you on top!

Intersport Flory



Österreichisches Umweltzeichen | Good Travel Seal

The Landgasthof Bertahof in Bad Hofgastein has been located amidst the old trees and in the heart of the Gastein Valley for over 350 years. This family-run and cozy restaurant has an extraordinary reputation! Enjoy and feel good: that is the maxim for Bertahof guests.

The Bertahof is listed in Gault Millau and has received the award "very good cuisine that offers more than the everyday" since 2009.

Above all, the lamb, mostly from our own breeding, or the fresh fish from our own pond, make a visit to the Bertahof a culinary experience. Chef Robert Granitzer only uses fresh, seasonal products from the region.

The culinary offer ranges from creatively prepared regional specialties to Mediterranean delicacies and international classics.

The Bertahof has been awarded the AMA gastro seal for the use of products from surrounding regions and from Austria.

Talstation Papagenobahn
Die gemütliche Lärchkogelhütte - direkt an der Bergstation der Lärchkogelbahn - bietet ein herrliche Sonnenterrasse mit schönem Panorama. Ganztägig warme Küche!
Im Gebäude des Skizentrums Angertal. Sitzplätze Indoor/Outdoor: 260/320

Das SnoWorld befindet sich direkt im Gebäude der Talstation der Alpendorf Gondelbahn auf Parkplatz-Ebene.

Wir bieten alles rund um Ski- und Snowboard:

  • Verleih der kompletten Ski- und Snowboardausrüstung (Ski, Stöcke, Schuhe, Helme, Protektoren, Bekleidung)
  • Ski- und Schuhdepot
  • Skiservice
  • Shop für Sportgeräte, Fashion, Souvenirs und Accessoires

2 Standorte in Alpendorf:

  • Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf (EG)
  • Sporthotel Alpina (OG Talstation Gondelbahn Alpendorf)

OPEN GOLF St. Johann Alpendorf
Der OPEN GOLF St. Johann Alpendorf ist die perfekte Anlage für Golfanfänger, aber auch für fortgeschrittene Golfer. 1x 9-Loch Pay & Play ORANGE COURSE, bespielbar ohne Mitglieschaft und ohne Platzreife. 1x 9-Loch BLUE COURSE Turnierplatz, großzügige überdachte Driving Range, Putting Green sowie Pitching Green.

Rent your complete ski & snowboard equipment in the Skistadl:
You do not need to mount your skis on your car and squeeze togehter – leave your old equipment at home and come to our Skistadl – your equipment is already there. Hire professional serviced ski and snowboard equipment and the mountain adventure is ready to begin on the slopes of Ski amadé in Salzburger Land.

We are specialists for group-fitting: We are used to equipe skiing groups with skis, snowboard, poles and sport material in a quick and efficient way.

Our Skistadl – Rental, Shop and Service – 2x in St. Johann – Alpendorf, right next to the slopes.