Ski amadé from A to Z

Everything around Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Schlossalmblick – viewing platform

Schlossalm | Bad Hofgastein

Our highly qualified and well trained staff are there for you in our shop. However, we go one step further and offer you the opportunity to try before you buy – at no extra charge. And when you are 100% sure that a particular pair of skis is the one for you, we will be delighted to sell them to you.

Starjet 1 - Mitte Hermann Maier FIS Weltcupstrecke

There is a new panorama platform to discover on the Schlossalm. The platform offers visitors a great view over the entire Schlossalm area. The Schlossalm view rises above the rocks, which is why it creates the feeling of floating. In the bottom of the viewing platform there is a transparent grid, which allows a sensational view into the depths. On the platform there is a bench to rest, have a snack or just enjoy the view.

Das top ausgebildete Team ist darauf spezialisiert, dir eine optimale, kraftschonende und stilgerechte Ski- und Snowboardtechnik näher zu bringen. So können auch die schwierigsten Abfahrten problemlos bewältigt werden und Freude sowie Spaß am Skifahren, wie auch am Snowboarden, sind gesichert.

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja  
Karussell vorhanden Ja  
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja  
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein  
Buchbares Paket Nein  
Kinderverleih im Angebot Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Ja 20% Rabatt auf Leihmaterial für alle Skischulgäste im Partnersportshop nebenan
Spezielles Service für unsere Skischulkinder: Begleitung durch die Skilehrer zum Sammelplatz bei Bedarf vom Büro und retour.
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Nein  
Kinderevents Ja  
Sonstige Bemerkungen    

Gsengalm toboggan run

Neuberg 5, 5532 Filzmoos

Naturrodelbahn, Länge ca. 3 km. Rodelverleih auf der Alm , Familie Hofer

Bogenschießen: Die 3 unterschiedlichen Jagdbogenparcours in Gastein können von Groß und Klein gemeistert werden

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja  
Karussell vorhanden Ja  
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja  
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein  
Buchbares Paket Ja  
Kinderverleih im Angebot Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Ja  
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Ja  
Kinderevents Ja  
Sonstige Bemerkungen   Kleingruppenunterricht, individuelle Betreuung, Skitourenangebot, Sicherheitstraining abseits der Piste, Schulung LVS Gerät u.a.

Servicepoint Kogelalm Talstation


Aberg 39, 5761 Maria Alm

Panorama Link

Shuttleberg | Flachauwinkl-Kleinarl

The ownes of the Wastlalm are always endeavour to serve their guests seasonal freshly cooked dishes.
They are popular for their various and broad selection of dumplings, "Bauernkrapfen" and the well-known Kaiserschmarrn.

Highest Farmers' Market in the Alps from 09th to 16th March, 2024

From 09th to 16th March, 2024 you can enjoy the most delicious farmer's doughnuts of all times at the Wastlalm. These can of course be enjoyed sweet or savoury!

► Fresh farmer's doughnuts sweet & sour
► Oven-fresh farmer's bradl 
► Various dumplings

With the new Panorama Link in the Heart of Ski amadé, you can enjoy the diverse offer of the three ski areas including 210 varied kilometers of slopes with a single lift ticket on just one ski day. While skiing between the villages of Wagrain and Kleinarl, you can enjoy an unmistakable mountain panorama of the Hohe and Niedere Tauern.

Climbing, High Ropes Course, ice climbing

These offers could be booked at the following Adventure-Providers:

ACF - Adventure Center Flachau
Tel.: +43 6457 31959
e-mail:, Internet:

ACS – Alpincenter Salzburger Sportwelt, Herr Wolfgang Steiner: 
Tel: +43 6452 4102 or Mobil: +43 664 2823798, Fax: +43 6452 20320
e-mail:, Internet:

Hauser Kaibling

Natural jewel Kaiblingalm

Hauser Kaibling

The Jagahütte is located directly on the exit of the slope No. 5 Hochbrand at the confluence of the slope Himmelreich No. 10 at 1600 m. The cozy dining room with a great ambience invites you to linger. The sunny terrace is a perfect place for ski tourers an skiers as well. The Jagahütte also offers overnight acccommodation for up to 12 people. 

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen

Comfortable hut for a snack along the way.

A marvellous mountain backdrop and great views to the Dachstein – the Kaiblingalm is probably one of the most beautiful spots of all Styrian ski resorts. Easy to reach by the Alm 6er chairlift, one of Austria’s most modern and comfortable chairlifts: it is detachable, equipped with orange protection covers (“bubbles”), and has heated leather seats. Its base station is at 1,600 m, taking you up to an elevation of 1,950 m.