Ski amadé from A to Z

Everything around Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Fotospot Top of Snow Space Salzburg

Bergstation Top Liner
Next to the valley station of the Papageno gondola.

At 1,980 m above sea level, at the foot of the Grießenkareck, is the highest vantage point of Snow Space Salzburg. The view of the Hohe and Niedere Tauern mountains that opens up here is particularly impressive. Make the most of this moment before you happily continue down the slopes.

The Fichtel country on Hochbifang in Altenmarkt
On the Altenmarkt side of the Radstadt / Altenmarkt there on Hochbifang a unique forest with very special trees. In this forest grow namely spruces with extraordinary abilities! Every year in winter the spruce throw their Fichtenzapfen on the forest floor, and from some of these pins there are formed small creatures that exist only in this forest in Altenmarkt: the Fichtel!

The Alpentherme Bad Hofgastein offers fun and relaxing for the whole family. Various thematic areas offers also wellness, beauty, rehabilation and sports.

„DORFER-BERG“ - Strohlehenalm Toboggan Run

Strohlehenweg 3, 5632 Dorfgastein
Length approx. 3500m from the "Strohlehenalm" in direction of the town centre, length approx. 3700m from the "Strohlehenalm" in direction Unterberg, at weekends there is the possibility to call in at the Strohlehenalm.

Directly on the slope Geierberg.

Are you in the mood for a new experience? Do you want to forget everyday life and to switch off?

Then it is time for Berg-Leben (mountain-life). Breathe in the fresh mountain air, live our freedom with us and enjoy the stunning nature. Whether by hiking, biking, snowboarding, cross-country skiing, climbing, yoga….or quite simply taking a break, relax and enjoy the inspiring views of the mountains around Großarl. There is nothing that makes man more grounded and able to find himself again than to feel and breathe nature in its uniqueness.

We look forward to your visit
The Mooslechner Family and the Berg-Leben Crew


Ski & Wine Enjoyment Week from 9th to 16th March, 2024

A highlight for all sportsmen and gourmets – during the day sunshine skiing on wonderfully groomed slopes and in the evening being spoilt with delicacies of the local gastronomy and fine samples of Austrian wine.

► 4 or 7 nights in a Lifestyle room
► Rich & healthy breakfast from the Berg-Leben buffet
► Wine roas with delicacies and wine tasting in 20 different hotels hotels
► 3- or 6-day ski pass Ski amadé
► Outdoor activity programme from Berg-Gesund
► SPA under the stars
► All Berg-Leben inclusive services (underground car park, ski safes at the gondola etc ...)

Click here for the package

sports shop

Taxi Hippolt

Sportplatzstraße 17a, 5500 Bischofshofen

All current brands for your winter sports experience!

Die Kombination aus hochwertigsten Naturprodukten, liebevoller und kreativer Zubereitung und dem „etwas mehr” an Know how unserer Spitzenköche ist dem Gault Millau seit einigen Jahren zwei Hauben wert. 2018 wurde der Almhof mit einer „Gabel” des „Falstaff Restaurantguide” ausgezeichnet.

Das kulinarische Wow-Erlebnis gehört einfach zum perfekten Urlaub dazu. Das ist, neben der Familienfreundlichkeit und dem umfassenden Wellnessangebot, eine wesentliche Säule unseres 4-Stern-Hotels.

ski rental, sports shop, shoes



The Laireiter Alm is located at 1,850 m directly next to the Grossarltal panorama station. It offers space for 300 to 350 people in the interior. When the weather is fine, up to 500 people can enjoy the sun on our spacious terrace.

Highest Farmer's Market in the Alps from 9th to 16th March, 2024

Taste home-made specialties from local farmers at the Highest Farmers' Market in the Alps in Ski amadé.

14th to 15th March, 2024
Sales stand with Großarl gourmet & fine brandy sommelier Thomas Brandner

14th March, 2024
Preiß winery from the Traisental valley

15th March, 2024
Winery Burger from Langenlois

► Bacon, hard sausage, cheese, honey, smoked fish & meat, spreads from Grossarler Genuss
► Jour pastries with meat loaf
► Schnapps & liqueurs


Schmankerl: Omas pikantes Kalbsbeuscherl mit Semmelknödel Bei uns werden Sie bedient mit hausgemachten Spezialitäten vom eigenen Bio-Bauernhof „Ederbauer“. Besonders beliebt sind „Omas pikantes Kalbsbeuscherl mit Semmelknödel“, unsere Kalbsleberknödelsuppe, der Abergalm-Suppentopf oder der herzhafte Grillteller. Zum Nachtisch gibts ofenwarme Hausmacherstrudel, Riesen-Germknödel und flaumigen Kaiserschmarrn. Wir bieten auch günstige Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten – ideal für Familien, Gruppen und Schulklassen.

Fatbikes sind besondere Mountainbikes, gebaut speziell für den Einsatz auf Schnee. Die extrem breiten Ballonreifen ermöglichen leichten Lauf und einfaches Handling bei allen Schneebedingungen. Durch ihre sicheren Fahreigenschaften sind Fatbikes auch für Kinder (ab 12 Jahren) geeignet.
Ramsau am Dachstein bietet mit seinen vielen ständig präparierten Winterwanderrouten, Schlittenwegen und geräumten Forststraßen ideale Voraussetzungen auch im Winter mal aufs Fahrrad zu steigen. 

Experience mountains and nature consciously. We have created for you in the mountain area some quiet Platzl with trendy as well as classic seating. With a dreamlike view you can relax at the Natur Platzl, Sonnen Platzl, Servus Platzl, Gamsjaga Platzl or Glockner Platzl.