Lyžiarske školy v Ski amadé

Ski amadé Panorama

Best orientation with the panorama with all slopes and lifts in Ski amadé. Everything at a glance!
The 3D panorama works best with the newest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Lyžiarske kurzy pre deti i dospelých

zjazdovke? Alebo potrebujete rýchlokurz pre váš vôbec prvý zjazd po bielom zlate? V lyžiarskych školách Ski amadé radi privítajú začiatočníkov, pokročilých i celé školské triedy. Naši skúsení inštruktori lyžovania a snowboardingu sa vám budú venovať presne podľa vašich potrieb. 

Vďaka profesionálnym lyžiarskym školám Ski amadé spozná pôžitok z lyžovania naozaj každý – na to sa budúci dobyvatelia zjazdoviek môžu 100 % spoľahnúť. Ponuka kurzov sa pritom prispôsobuje želaniam našich hostí, podľa toho či sa zúčastnia skupinovej výuky alebo si objednajú iba niekoľko súkromných hodín. A kto vie, možno sa im napokon zapáči aj freestyle. Hlavná vec je získať dôveru voči snehu a stáť isto na dvoch doskách!

Všetky lyžiarske školy

Ski instructors of the ski school St. Johann-Alpendorf will guide you through the incredible beautifull mountain range of ski amadé! Our ski school has been founded in 1989 and since that time we offer our professional services in the sports we feel dedicated to: winter sports!

Winter sports shall be fun, from the first moment! Beginners or experts, they all have their personal goal. We help you to achieve it in a playful and simple way.

In addition to technical aids such as video analyses very small groups are a must for us – this is how optimum learning success is guaranteed. Choose the most convenient offer from our comprehensive programme.

Organize your own off-piste experience with skis and snowboards!

Whether you're a freeride novice or a backcountry expert – our goal is to show you the best runs and to make your day on the mountain safe and unforgettable.

Absolut School is the freeski and freestyle snowboard school of Absolut Park. Of course it also offers classic ski tuition.

FAMILY Ski amadé – Angebote in den Kinder-Skischulen

Kinderareal mit Zauberteppich Ja
Karussell vorhanden Nein
Kinderbetreuung über Mittag Ja
Babysitting 0-3 Jahre Nein
Buchbares Paket Nein
Kinderverleih im Angebot Nein
Spezieller Familienrabatt im Verleih Nein
Spezieller Familienrabatt in der Skischule Ja
Kinderevents Rennen

Hermann Maier


See the mountains from a real insiders perspective. Purposely develop your skiing ability. Customize your holiday days on skis. All that and more is on offer to you from your very adapted Ski and Mountain coach Wolfgang Pfeifhofer.